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Cool plugins for VS Code
Cool plugins for VS Code

Cool plugins for VS Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) has rapidly become one of the most beloved code editors in the developer community, thanks to its simplicity, flexibility, and a vast array of extensions. These extensions, often referred to as plugins, enhance the functionality of VS Code, making it a powerful tool for various programming tasks. In this blog post, we will explore some of the coolest plugins available for VS Code, catering to different needs and preferences.

1. ESLint

For JavaScript developers, ESLint is a must-have plugin. It provides real-time linting for your JavaScript code, ensuring it follows the coding standards and best practices. With ESLint integration, you can catch errors and improve your code quality as you write.

2. Prettier

Consistent code formatting is essential for collaboration and readability. Prettier is a popular code formatter that supports various languages. This plugin automatically formats your code, making it neat and consistent without manual effort. It supports a wide range of languages, including JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and more.

3. GitLens

GitLens supercharges the Git capabilities of VS Code. It provides an unobtrusive UI while you work with Git repositories, allowing you to visualize code authorship, review changes over time, and understand how branches and files evolve. With GitLens, you can delve deep into your project’s history without leaving your editor.

4. Live Server

Front-end developers often need to see the changes they make in real-time. Live Server is a fantastic plugin that creates a local development server and automatically refreshes your browser whenever you save a file. It’s a time-saver, ensuring you instantly see the impact of your code changes.

5. Bracket Pair Colorizer

Keeping track of nested code blocks can be challenging, especially in large projects. Bracket Pair Colorizer simplifies this by colorizing matching pairs of brackets, making it easy to identify the scope of your code at a glance. It’s a small but incredibly useful tool for improving code readability.

6. Code Spell Checker

Typos and spelling mistakes can sneak into your code, leading to unexpected errors. Code Spell Checker helps you maintain clean and error-free code by highlighting spelling mistakes within your comments and strings. It supports multiple languages and ensures your codebase is professional and polished.

7. REST Client

API development and testing are common tasks for many developers. REST Client allows you to send HTTP requests and view responses directly within VS Code. It provides a convenient way to interact with APIs, test endpoints, and inspect data, all from the comfort of your editor.

8. Docker

Docker simplifies the process of managing and deploying applications using containers. The Docker extension for VS Code enables you to build, manage, and deploy containerized applications right from your editor. It provides a user-friendly interface for Docker commands, streamlining the containerization workflow.


Visual Studio Code’s extensibility through plugins makes it a powerhouse for developers. Whether you’re a JavaScript enthusiast, a Git expert, or an API developer, there are plugins tailored to enhance your workflow.

These plugins not only boost your productivity but also make coding a more enjoyable experience. Explore these plugins, tailor your editor to your needs, and watch your efficiency soar as you write impeccable code with Visual Studio Code.