- Oleksii
6/01/2024 - stories
- myExperience
About me and experience in web dev
My story..: During my childhood, I noticed that my father spent a lot of time working on the computer. He would occasionally take breaks to play games, such as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Crysis. I also enjoyed playing games and would often go to computer clubs with my friends. However, as time passed, our interests began to change.
Finally, my father gave me my first computer, an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, and a GeForce 7800 GTX video card. It was cool to get acquainted with the computer and learn what I could do on it. Dealing with Windows XP was a separate pleasure 😂.
As I grew up, I entered the faculty of ‘Computer Systems and Sets’ where I learned about how a computer is built, machine code, Assembler, Pascal, Delphi, Photoshop, WEB, and websites. I wrote my first programs using Pascal and Delphi. I posted the source code of my Delphi programs on my blog, which still works on WordPress.
Later, I taught myself how to develop websites using a regular Windows Notepad as my first IDE. Eventually, I learned about Notepad++, Sublime, and even VS Code. I became interested in Linux and its distributions, including Ubuntu, and eventually fell in love with Arch Linux.
It was cool in college
During college, I learned about CSS style sheets, HTML markup language, and web standards. At the time, layout floats were still popular, which made it a nightmare! I studied JavaScript, but found it difficult due to its syntax. I took a break from it and started learning Python. Python has a clear and concise syntax with a wide range of libraries. I wrote small programs with UI libraries for personal use.
I was drawn to the web because I wanted to show the world what I can do and be useful. I studied WordPress and its plugins, as well as ACF, kernel optimization, server setup for WordPress, Apache deployment, and enabling gzip compression on a local server. I find these topics interesting and set goals to learn how they work and achieve results.
First job
While growing up, I searched for a job and landed an internship at a company that specialized in WordPress website development. During my time there, I was responsible for managing website pages and communicating with backend developers. I found the experience to be very interesting and enjoyable, especially since I was being paid for it.
The company I worked for next developed business websites. They had over 100 sites written in HTML/CSS integrated into WordPress, but they were poorly optimized. My task was to optimize and integrate them correctly to ensure they functioned smoothly. After that, I worked as a freelancer.
I am freelancer
I worked for myself after which I became a freelancer. For me, freelancing is like paradise because I have the freedom to choose my clients, set my own deadlines, and work on tasks from scratch. I don’t have to deal with someone else’s code base, which makes my work easier. It’s hard to list all the benefits of freelancing, but it’s safe to say that I enjoy it a lot. 😂
On Freelance, I developed several websites, which you can find in the portfolio section of my website. One of them was an online store for the brand Byshikat, a private sewing factory for women’s shoes.
Nowadays I successfully completed the task, and the client is satisfied, especially considering that the store brought in over 1000% increase in sales compared to their Instagram store in the first month after launch.
Our days
Now I’m learning Astro Framework, by the way this site is written on this technology. I plan to practice more with JavaScript, and also to start learning React, in general, I’ve made up my mind about the stack, although I’ve come a long way to understand what I really like and what I want. Yes… a long way, but it will be even more interesting in the future.
Thank you for reading to the end, it motivates me to learn and try harder, I wish you a good day and a great mood, I’m on 😉
Mr.Robot is watching you. 🧐